Johnson County
Adult Literacy Program
Serving our community since 1987

Johnson County
Adult Literacy Program
Take it to the Next Level: Become a JCALP Sponsor
JCALP is a non-profit organization consistinof volunteer tutors and event volunteers. Funding sources are from Grants, Fundraisers, and Donations. We greatly appreciate any and all additions to our growing literacy program. Thank you to all of our sponsors for supporting adult Literacy!
JCALP was created for the purpose of helping adults continue to learn and achieve their goals and to then improving their lives. The organization provides free, trained, volunteer tutors for individuals interested in studying basic reading and writing, basic math, and English as a second language, as well as assistance to those who are taking HiSet/GED classes. Our funding is completely composed of generous donations from our sponsors, grants, and fundraising. Please consider becoming a JCALP sponsor.
What Impact Have We Had?
JCALP has helped adults reach various goals in their lives. These goals include, but are not limited to, their ability to live their every day life with improved Reading, Math, and English skills, as well as obtaining jobs, promotions, passing tests for work or college entrance, drivers licences, Hi-Set/GED Certifications , learning to read to their children, and more.