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Johnson County Adult Literacy Program (JCALP) was established in 1987 to serve residents of Johnson County, Missouri through free tutoring in reading and writing. Since that time, the program has grown to include tutoring in basic math skills, English as a Second Language tutoring and basic computer skills.  We also offer to tutor students who are working with a Hi-Set Program.   Tutors and students meet in person in Johnson County, Missouri.

Mission statement:

To assist adults living in Johnson County and 

surrounding communities in developing basic 

reading, speaking, writing and computational 

skills in order to improve their ability to 

deal with modern society and thus gain a

 higher standard of living.

Our vision is to have a literate population of Johnson County, Missouri.

Literacy is the foundation of learning.
Learning to read can help people reach their full potential.



​​​​​​​​​​​​The non-profit group ProLiteracy defines

literacy as "the ability to read, write,

compute, and use technology at a level

that enables an individual to reach his

or her full potential as a parent,

employee, and community member."

The group reports that, in the

United States, 14 percent of people

over the age of 16 do not have the

reading and comprehension skills

required to fill out a job application.

Adult learning and literacy is

important because low literacy

affects individuals, families and

society in a variety of adverse ways.

It impacts health, crime rates, employment and future generations.

According to ProLiteracy, the ability to read and write is the foundation for all other learning. When adults lack basic literacy skills, which include reading, writing, problem solving abilities and the use of common technologies, they are unable to take part in society fully and they limit their employment, health and other options.

Illiteracy has an impact on health care, employment, crime, and children’s education.  Teaching someone to read has a positive impact on all of these.


We are a piece of the puzzle in our community that needs to be in its proper place in order for us to work together as a whole.

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