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How can I help JCALP?

JCALP is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit agency. We are funded and operate through charitable donations, both monetary and in-kind. Please contact JCALP 660-429-5442 to learn more about giving a tax-deductible donation to our program.

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How do I begin!

Adults who are interested in learning more can come to JCALP for help with reading, writing, or basic math, English as a Second Language, please contact JCALP to sign up for a Tutor.  Learners share their goals and then they are matched with a free, trained Tutor to assist in meeting these goals.

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Can I work with the same tutor each time?

Learners and tutors are matched by the coordinator and then work together for as long as is mutually agreed upon. Many of our learners develop warm relationships with tutors and achieve many of their goals with the guidance of the same tutor.

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What subjects are offered?

We provide free, volunteer, trained tutors to assist adults who are interested in improving their skills in basic reading, writing, and math, English as a second language, and special reading assistance.   We assist students who are attending the  HiSET (GED) prep programs (

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I would like to make a difference by becoming a tutor.

Thank you! We would love to have you join our team of volunteers. All you need to do is contact JCALP by calling, text message, email or stop by the JCALP office. Tutor training workshops are held to prepare volunteer tutors to work with learners. People like you are the reason this program works!  It is a rewarding to see the learners improve in skill and confidence.

Where is JCALP?
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JCALP's office is located in the Warrensburg Branch of the Trails Regional Library, 432 North Holden Street, Warrensburg, MO 64093. Please contact JCALP for current coordinator hours or to make an appointment to meet.  Call the JCALP office at 660-429-5442 or email at to set up an appointment.

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Johnson County Adult Literacy Program


432 N. Holden Street

Warrensburg, MO 64093

P: 660-429-5442

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Johnson County Adult Literacy Program is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization.

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